Today's New York Times carries a front-page article entitled "A Majority Ruled It Was Rape. That Isn't Enough at Stanford." The article, which extends for two full pages inside the (ever-shrinking) front section, faults Stanford University for failing to discipline a student who was accused of sexual assault by another student, after two separate panes concluded, each by a 3-2 vote, that the accused had in fact committed a sexual assault upon the accused.
Stanford's procedures for evaluating charges of sexual assault against a student established, at the time, 5-person panels to examine the "evidence" (which I put in quotes because what they review would not be "admissible evidence"in a properly conducted trial in the United States, which is a matter for another day). The university required that at least 4 of the 5 panel members find against the accused before discipline could be meted out. In this case, the first panel found 3-2 against the accused. The accuser appealed to some other body on campus which agreed in part with her complaints about the first proceeding, and then a second panel was convened, which delivered the same 3-2 result. So the accused was not disciplined.
According to the article, Stanford currently requires panels of only three persons now but now requires unanimity of the three to find an accused culpable.
The thrust of the article, obviously, is that it is unfair to accusers (predominantly female) that their accusations have to convince more than a simple majority to redress their grievances. The article concludes with a quote from the accuser that sums up the reporters' sentiments: "I am certain that this is not how the Title IX process is meant to work."
The accuser's "certainty" -- which has evidently been adopted by the reporters who turned her grievance into a front-page article -- is completely erroneous. Put simply, a requirement of a unanimous verdict is exactly how Title IX proceedings do work. Indeed, the title of the article, to have been accurate, ought to have read: "A Majority Ruled It Was Rape. That Isn't Enough -- Anywhere." (Of course, that would not have made for a good front-page story.)
All Title IX claims are adjudicated as civil cases in federal court. In all such cases, a party can request a jury trial. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 48, a jury verdict in a civil case requires the jury -- which may not be less than six people, in contrast with Stanford's three-person panels -- to reach a unanimous result. Thus, the "Title IX process" to which the accuser refers is, in fact, "meant to work" by means of unanimous verdicts. Falling short of unanimous agreement leaves the status quo in place and the accuser's grievances uncompensated.
This, it is worth emphasizing, is not a special rule for Title IX cases reflective of some patriarchal bias to protect male perpetrators. It is the rule applied to all federal claims of any nature whatsoever. It is utterly non-discriminatory, measured by any non-gendered standard,
Sadly for Times readers, the article shows no awareness of this unanimity requirement in adjudication of Title IX grievances in the courts. As a result, the article likely misleads many readers into believing that Stanford, and other universities alluded to in the article, are acting "wrongly" or being "unfair," toward (predominantly female) accusers when, in fact, their standards are as non-discriminatory as they could be, mirroring as they do, the general standards of federal civil litigation. (Indeed, those who are accused may have a colorable claim that the use of three-person panels to mete out punishment violates due process or Title IX or both, because the risks of bias and error are believed to increase to impermissible levels when juries are less than six persons, as the comments to FRCP 48 bear out.)
It's grotesquely embarrassing that neither of the reporters, nor any editor who vetted the article before it was published, displays any awareness of the fact that the premise of their story is completely at odds with the way the law that the story is written about actually works in practice. I have a good deal of sympathy / empathy for journalists in the competitive environment they must operate in, when the pressure to generate stories that hold on to the attention of the declining subscriber base is so overwhelming. But those feelings are easily overcome when the journalists in question set out on a social justice crusade and cast aspersions at other members of our society who, it turns out, actually know more about what they are doing than the reporters sanctimoniously faulting them.
It's also worth considering, although the authors failed to, that the existence of a 4-vote minimum might influence how panelists decide to vote. Knowing that a 3-2 vote has no consequences for the accused may cause a voter to vote differently than if that third vote determines the accused's fate. I think it is a faulty premise to think that the third voter was sure the accused had committed a sexual assault.
There are many, many more things one could fault about the way sexual assault allegations are handled on college campuses. I could write hundreds of blog posts about the problems, starting with, why does anyone familiar with the "hostile environment" case law think that one student's allegations against another regarding a brief sexual encounter are a Title IX issue in the first place? What about that implicates the "interstate commerce" power whereby Title IX was enacted? Considering how ultra-leftist campuses are, and how feminist voices dominate discourse concerning gender matters on campuses, how can anyone seriously contend that a college campus is a hostile environment for women? I hope that the incoming administration will make clear early on that such incidents do not implicate Title IX at all, and universities need not do more than refer such matters to the local law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution as justified,. Further, I would hope that the incoming Congress would resolve the issue for the foreseeable future by defining "hostile environment" to make clear that there must be repeated, persistent and substantial acts towards a group of persons before a "hostile environment" is created.
But, regardless of what the future holds, as of now, the notion that Title IX requires a simple majority to believe an accuser is wholly at odds with federal law and in truth amounts to no more than a case of special pleading by persons who are ignorant as to the law.
Some of the posts on this blog will be completely unnecessary, yet highly proper. Some will be terribly necessary, yet not the least bit proper. Some will hopefully manage to combine the best of the two previous categories. I hope you will find at least one of these categories interesting and enjoyable.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Second Circuit Oral Argument in Momentive Performance Solutions - Synopsis and Commentary
I listened to the oral argument before the
Second Circuit in Momentive Performance
Solutions, the appeal taken by the first lien creditors from Judge Drain’s
confirmation decision (1) denying their claim for a make-whole and (2) imposing
a Till-justified formula rate of
interest that left their claims with a market value of 82 cents on the
dollar. The argument was held the
morning after the national election, which must have posed quite a distraction;
nonetheless, unlike large numbers of students nationwide who were apparently
reduced to sniffling and sobbing incapacity by the outcome, the lawyers showed
up well prepared and the argument was brisk.
(Parenthetically, I was surprised that only 30 minutes was allotted to
the entire argument, which is half of the lowest amount I ever
experienced. I speculate that this is
one of the steps the circuit has had to take to address its ever-growing
backlog of cases.)
The argument focused almost entirely on
the Till issue. The parties rested on their briefs regarding
the make-whole issue. Tactically that was a wise choice because the Third
Circuit came out with its game-changing opinion in EFII, upholding the contractual make-whole in that case and, in its
extensive analysis of precedent, giving the back of its hand to Judge Drain’s
make-whole reasoning in MPM. As one of the appellants’ counsel in MPM was also the counsel who argued for
the creditors in EFII, probably they
had walked away from the argument before the Third Circuit with a sense that
they would prevail, and in turn, that likely informed the strategy brought to
the oral argument in MPM. The parties have since submitted letter
briefs to the Second Circuit on the relevance of the EFII decision. I would not be surprised to see the Circuit certify
the question to the New York Court of Appeals if they have any doubts at all
about Judge Ambro’s analysis of New York law.
As a reminder, the cramdown interest rate holding in MPM was the most extreme statement of
the Till-in-chapter-11 to date: that bankruptcy courts are required in all
chapter 11 confirmations to apply a formula rate.
The panel was Judges Barrington Parker,
Rosemary Pooler and Jose Cabranes.
What follows is a lightly paraphrased
transcription of the key exchanges between the panel and counsel, interspersed
with my “color commentary”
At the 2:22 mark, after the usual
formalities, Judge Parker invited appellant counsel to state the rule that
should have been applied by the bankruptcy court.
Counsel for appellants replied, it is the
rule laid down by the Sixth Circuit in American
Homepatient, that the market rate should be applied in chapter 11 cases
where there exists an efficient market; where there is no efficient market, the
formula rate endorsed by the Till plurality
should be applied.
Turning on my color commentary microphone,
I think this was a tactical and strategic mistake. What counsel should have said was: “it is the
rule that is encapsulated by the statutory term of art, ‘fair and equitable’,
which the Supreme Court has consistently held to mean that secured creditors
get paid in full, every dollar of their claim.
It has nothing to do with ‘efficient markets’, a concept which did not
exist when the ‘fair and equitable’ rule was promulgated by the Supreme Court
and is not mentioned in any legislative materials related to its codification
in section 1129(b)(2).”
The problems with counsel’s invocation of American Homepatient and "efficient
market" are manifold. On a substantive or strategic level, it concedes that Till applies in chapter 11 when, as I
have pointed out in my article and in prior blog posts, Till should not be seen as applying to chapter 11 at all. First, the operative statutory language of
chapter 11 cramdown, “fair and equitable,” is not found in chapter 13 at all
(nor was it discussed in Till; nor do
any of the cases applying Till to
chapter 11 contain a judicial endeavor to reconcile it to the Court’s prior
precedents interpreting “fair and equitable”). Second, in the briefing and
argument for Till, the prevailing
party, the solicitor general and, most importantly, the justices all took the
position that chapter 11 was not relevant to the task of defining the proper
approach to chapter 13 cramdown (the only person who argued for looking at chapter
11 was the losing party). Logically, then, if chapter 11 cramdown law was not
relevant to Till, Till is not
relevant to chapter 11 cramdown. Third,
do you seriously think that the Supreme Court overthrows a century of
precedents saying secured creditors get paid in full without any briefing or
argument on the topic? Last, the Court
in Till was motivated by practical
concerns unique to chapter 13 cases, in particular, the need to find an
approach that would be cost-efficient for disputes over small sums of money,
whereas in a chapter 11 case, the amounts at stake justify case-specific,
non-formulaic inquiries.
Furthermore, arguing for courts to decide
whether markets are efficient is a tactical error because it immediately
generates concerns about how courts will do that competently. Indeed, as I
pointed out in my article, it is counter-intuitive, to say the least, to
conclude that the Till plurality -- which
said that “the coerced loan approach requires bankruptcy courts to consider
evidence about the market for comparable loans to similar (though nonbankrupt)
debtors, an inquiry far removed from such courts usual task of evaluating
debtors financial circumstances and the feasibility of their debt adjustment
plans” nonetheless intended said judges to determine whether U.S lending
markets are efficient, a task more typically associated with DOJ, the Federal
Trade Commission or other financial regulators perhaps.
And this concern is exactly what came to
Judge Parker’s mind, for he asked:
Judge: How do you know there is an
efficient market? Both here and in general.
Counsel: In general, that is a
determination for the bankruptcy court to make.
What is an efficient market?
A market where there is a debtor that has market weight and market
strength. This was a multibillion dollar
company advised by one of the best investment banks in the country, that
undertook, with the aid of that advisor, a broad and competitive marketing
campaign to refinance the secured lenders, that had offers to do so from the
three of the largest lenders in the country and also had raised fresh capital
from its equity sponsor, Apollo, which manages over $25 billion in capital. Not every case will have facts like
these. This is an extraordinary
case. Whether there is or isn’t an
efficient market in some future case is not something we need to decide today
but can be left to the future.
Turning my commentary mike on again: Now,
maybe here we can see the appellants’ strategy is, understandably, just to win
this case, which has unusual facts in their favor, even if it isn’t
intellectually satisfying. In fact, one might say, they have a duty to focus
exclusively on that, not on fixing the law nationwide. The trouble with that is, as we shall see,
appellate courts don’t have to think
that way. And they may actually think
that it is their job to think about the rule that should be applied to all
Which is why it is optimal for creditors’
counsel in a Till-in-chapter-11
litigation to stick to the statutory text and not start talking about
“efficient markets.“ This way, if a
judge asks about “efficient markets”, you can say “whether a market is
efficient is not an inquiry a bankruptcy judge needs to undertake when applying
the ‘fair and equitable’ test.“ When you
say that, now the appellate judges like you, because you’re making a concern go
away. So you continue “For over a
century, bankruptcy courts have adjudicated whether a plan confirmation is
‘fair and equitable’ without the need to figure out whether the lending markets
of the day were efficient. Often, but
not always, they have looked at market evidence. There is extensive precedent that guides them
as to how to value companies, collateral, proposed debt securities. The Supreme Court, when it chose to review
the lower courts’ interpretation of the statutory standard has never felt the
need to discuss the efficiency of any market.
These time-honored practices should continue. Whether the U S lending markets are efficient
need not be raised at all, but, if it is raised, at most it goes to the weight of any market evidence. We should understand the reference to ‘efficient
markets’ in Till footnote 14 not to
state the minimum condition needed
for application of a market rate, but rather an example given, for purposes of
illustration, to contrast with the non-existent market for refinancing chapter
13 debts that was an obvious concern for the plurality. “
The argument continued. As I said, the
panel was not bound to acquiesce in the appellant’s strategy of positioning
their case as extraordinary.
Judge: What concerns me is, let’s assume this
is an outlier, where you have a powerful body of evidence for the existence of
a market. We haven’t spoken on this yet
and judges in this circuit are going to be looking at this as a precedent for
all of their chapter 11 cases. I remember in the antitrust context, the
exercise of analyzing a market was expensive and extensive, with expert
witnesses and so forth. How are we going
to spare the chaos that this might cause those judges?
Counsel – this is what bankruptcy judges
do for a living. Valuation. I am not asking the court to set a rule for
small cases. This is a rule that will apply where there are two parties with
equal power and weight coming at each other.
I am not asking the court to formulate a rule for what is an efficient
Color commentary: this appears to be a tactical move to
minimize the judges’ concerns about cost and competence while preserving the
position that their particular case is indisputably one where the market was
efficient. Understandable for people who
have a mega-case practice, but intellectually indefensible for a statute that
does not establish different rules for different-size cases. The intellectually defensible approach is
never to open the door to “efficient markets” in the first place, just say that
the century of “fair and equitable” litigation shows bankruptcy courts know how
to figure out the market value of a stream of payments. The legal error here was in thinking that the
stream of payments did not have to amount to 100 cents on the dollar.
Counsel: I’m running out of time. Final
point: If you look at Till, look at
section V of the opinion where the plurality takes on the dissent and says the
market for subprime loans is anything but competitive. Why, if the Supreme Court intended that a
formula rate should always be applied in chapter 11, why did the court take on
the dissent in that issue?
I don’t understand this point or find it
meaningful. There are plenty of things
to say about Till’s lack of relevance
to chapter 11 but this would not make my top 10. I think it would have been wiser to end on
the textual difference between the cramdown sections of chapters 11 & 13:
the former has the statutory term of art “fair and equitable” and the latter
does not.
Counsel for other secured party /
appellant: 1129(b)(2)(A) says a plan’s stream
of payments must have a PV of at least 100 cents on dollar. Their own financial statements carry our debt
at 82 cents on the dollar, exactly what our witness testified to at trial. That’s just math.
Judge again: Tell me the rule you are
urging on us.
Counsel: It is the same as first counsel
Color commentary: I guess this was
prepared and pre-agreed, but in a perfect world, second counsel would have seen
the judges weren’t exactly enamored of the rule proposed by first counsel and
gone with “you don’t even need to get into market efficiency to decide this,
judges. Just say Till does not apply in
chapter 11 and courts should continue using tried and true valuation approaches
for determining whether a proposed steam of payments is worth 100 cents on the
Judge: If it’s efficient let it set the rate;
if not let the judge apply the formula and let the judge decide which it is.
Counsel 2: That’s right. What Judge Drain
held was all the profit had to be extracted from the interest rate. No, what Till and Valenti meant by profit was not the rate that produces a market
value of 100 cents on the dollar; they meant about the excess profits caused by
an inefficient market. In Till it was a usury rate. This case had
competitive refinancing.
Color commentary: You know, this sounds perfectly reasonable
when you hear it uncritically, but it’s not accurate. In Till, it was clear that the creditor did
not get 100 cents on the dollar. WHY DO
already been argued to the bankruptcy judge and to the district judge. Neither
one bought it. So maybe try something else.
How will it work? The Judge will hold a hearing and experts will testify
there is an efficient market?
Counsel: We propose at least where the
evidence is clear the was an efficient market and the market rate was easily
identifiable, that is the rate that applies. This court set forth a categorical
rule the other way [formula rate always].
Opposing Counsel (This is in a separate
recording due to an intermission).
Counsel for Appellees: On Till
issue, appellants focus on what market demands.
But proper place to begin is with “present value” as enunciated in Till which “the Supreme Court” made clear
should follow the same approach across the Code.
Turning on my mike: This argument embeds three fallacies: 1) that
the plurality opinion in Till speaks
for “The Supreme Court”; (2) that the highly generalized dictum at the very
outset of the opinion – “essentially the same approach” -- is entitled to be given meaningful weight; and
(3) of course, that Till has any
bearing on chapter 11, which is governed by the “fair and equitable” standard,
which is not present in chapter 13 and which the SG and the Justices all said
was not relevant to Till. Unfortunately, these fallacies go largely
unchallenged in this oral argument and indeed, the last one appears to have
been unwisely invited by appellants’ argument.
Judge: Yes, but you have footnote 14.
Counsel: the proper way to interpret fn 14
is to make it consistent with the holding of Till and not the flawed premise that the Supreme Court was trying
to interpret market rates. They held
that “present value” equals the time value of money plus a risk premium. Those factors are meant to exclude profit and
transaction costs that would show up in a market rate. Bankruptcies are not like markets; they are
court-administered plans. In such plans,
profits and costs are not included. The
language of “super profits” that appellants try to limit Till to is not in Till at
all. Valenti
said any degree of profit is impermissible because a court administers the plan
and not the market.
Second point is, how do you know when you
have efficient market? Will a bankruptcy court know it when it sees it. This
court actually grappled with that here. It held 4-day hearing. Experts etc.
Based on that evidence, the so called efficient market is not in the
needed amount. Semi-confidential, opaque process. Not how an efficient market works. Affirmed by District court. Clear error question and should be
Commentator here again: This is also fallacious in numerous ways and
illustrates the appellants’ mistake of fighting on the “Till” and “efficient
market” battlefields instead of the “fair and equitable” and “century of
precedent saying secured creditors have to be paid in full” battlefields.
First, as I wrote in 2014, if you look closely at footnote 14, you will see it says
nothing about the “prime plus” formula at all. It does not say “it might make sense first to ask what rate an efficient market
might produce, and then
adopt the formula approach.” It just says, “it might make sense to look
at what rate an efficient market might produce”. Period. No reference to
a formula fallback. Unlike the American
Homepatient approach, I think
the phrase “might make sense” was intended just to indicate the chapter 11
issue was being left open for future analysis, and not to impose an
"efficient market" hurdle that had to be overleaped to get out of the
"prime plus" formula.
Also, notice how footnote 14 only contrasts chapters 11 and 13, rather
than asserting resemblances between them: “the same is not true in the Chapter 11 context … In the
Chapter 13 context, by
contrast ….” (emphasis
added). I find it hard to discern any intention of the justices to signal
in the footnote an endorsement of applying their chapter 13 approach to chapter
11 cases, when the footnote only works to distinguish them. If anything,
footnote 14 is a caution not to apply the prime plus formula in
chapter 11s.
Second, neither Judge Drain nor any
other judge on record has demonstrated a sound understanding of what an
efficient market is. They all seem to think that a market is not efficient if a
debtor cannot get the amount of money it wants on the terms that make its plan
feasible. (And that was before we had
negative interest rates!). As I said before, although there is not complete
academic consensus of what an efficient market is, there is ZERO support for that
definition, which I call “the loan market as Santa Claus”. I used the example of someone who wants to
buy Facebook stock at $25 when (back when) it was trading at $50. By bankruptcy court logic, that would make
the US stock market inefficient. This is
ridiculous. The efficiency of a market
has to be assessed as a whole, across all its transactions, not just on one
would-be participant’s attempt to do one transaction.
Third, since the debtor controls
the marketing process and has an incentive to make it look inefficient so that
it can fall back to the more favorable formula rate, the bankruptcy judge ought
not hold the deficiencies of that process against the creditors. That is an obvious conflict of interest.
Fourth, as appellant counsel will
point out later, the depiction of Judge Drain’s opinion as having been a
factual assessment subject to clear error review is inaccurate. Judge Drain
clearly set up a legal rule – no profit, no transaction costs – and then found
facts only within the parameters set up by that rule.
Mike off.
appellants rely on American Homepatient
which they say would create a purported split if this court affirms Judge
Drain. American Homepatient is a strange case for them because even there
the lenders lost.
But there are SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES between chapter 11 and chapter 13,
both in the in real world and in the CODE PROVISIONS. [Emphasis mine]. Why not
have different tests at least for finely tuned chapter 11s.
Comment: YES! This judge gets it! Sadly, appellants’ counsel will not take this
remark up when he makes his reply. But
this was the path to victory here. Mike
The Supreme Court says you can’t do that. “Essentially the same approach” remark. Footnote to that remark cites 1129 B. That is my doctrinal answer.
Judge: yes, but then it put in fn 14. Your
categorical approach is not quite faithful to a complicated case.
Counsel: again fn 14 should be read to consistent with Till.
if you have staked out the principle that Till is not a chapter 11 case because “the fair and equitable”
standard does not appear in chapter 13 nor in Till and because the SG and the Justices all agreed that chapter 11
analogies were not pertinent to Till,
then you can readily smack this contention down. However, if you have conceded Till is governing, as appellants here
did, then you have much less ability to reply to this argument. Mike off.
Judge: you are being categorical but this case is
more nuanced.
More nuanced is how counsel talked about fn 14 in proceedings below. You can look to efficient market and that
informs the formula rate.
Judge: Are you suggesting that examination
of market factors can be used in evaluating formula rate.
Counsel: Yes, that is something we agree
with. Bankruptcy Court is free to look
at market evidence to define risk premium.
Judge: Sounds like you are all getting
pretty close.
Counsel: I think we are Your Honor. The evidence below was evaluated on that
basis and the judge made a decision after hearing it – in fact Judge Drain
increased risk premium after hearing it -
and that is not clear error. It is the approach the 5th and
11th Circuits took. That is what we ask this court to do here.
I have written up both the Fifth and Eleventh Circuit opinions and this
is a gross overstatement. The Fifth
Circuit case (Texas Grand Prairie) was, as MPM is
apparently turning out to be, a case where creditors’ counsel conceded ab initio that Till governed. The court
made clear it was bound by that and left a dictum at the end suggesting that it
was not itself wedded to it. The 1th
Circuit case (Seaside Engineering) was obviously a case in which the Till
point was barely briefed, argued or discussed. The amount at stake in the
entire case was a pittance and there were over a dozen other issues. That is not
persuasive in the Second Circuit in a mega-case.
But this colloquy shows how conceding Till applies puts the creditor at a
terrible disadvantage rhetorically. There is a large battlefield to fight cramdown
on. And issues about how to apply Till
are a small patch on that field. The
strategically minded creditor would force its opponent to fight on the entire
field. Start methodically with the
statute – fair and equitable -- review the precedent thereunder holding that it
means paying secured creditors in full, and then at the end say: (1) Till is not a chapter 11 case and did
not construe the relevant term. (2) Nor did the parties or the Justices think
they were making a ruling for chapter 11 cases, as their briefs, the oral
argument transcript and fn 14 indicate. (3) Till
did not attempt to reconcile itself to either (a) the preceding century of precedent
interpreting fair and equitable, or (b)
decades of perfectly satisfactory practice where bankruptcy judges determined
whether secured creditors were paid in full without having to resort to notions
of an efficient market, and it is an insult to the Supreme Court to think that
they meant to overrule that body of precedent without any discussion of it and
after having said at oral argument that it wasn’t relevant. Then sit down and
now the adversary has to fight on that entire battlefield.
Mike off.
Judge: you are running low on time. Just
so I am perfectly clear – your ideal approach is a slightly hybrid approach You
take T-Bill rate and you make adjustments necessary and the adjustments can
involve looking at market rate to be sure the bankruptcy judge gets it
right. Do I understand that your view is
the market rate is in some circumstances appropriate?
No, our submission is the formula rate is the approach. In determining
the risk premium, the judge should look at all evidence which could include exit
financing. Since Till, they do not cite a single case in which a judge has applied an
efficient market rate”. Every other
court has applied the formula rate.
Lending has not come to a halt.
Judge: We generally don’t like to pick and
choose among other circuits’ approaches. We have here a very sophisticated
bankruptcy bar and we are trying to determine with the help of you all the best
and most careful approach to addressing the complex cases here that the rest of
the country doesn’t often see. Last
question: do you think bankruptcy courts are competent to address question of
market efficiency?
Counsel: That’s very complicated. The one thing that is clear is you can’t
account for transaction costs and profits.
Judge: You’re out of time but that is not
the question I asked. Opposing counsel said he thought the courts in SDNY could
handle it.
Counsel: no one has found an efficient
market rate. Bankruptcy courts are
capable of looking at all the evidence And come up with a risk premium.
That is the end of the appellees’ argument but you can see how, if the
creditor concedes Till governs, then
the creditor is limited to fighting about issues like the last colloquy focused
on – what is an efficient market; can a bankruptcy judge analyze that
competently (not one of them has so far) and does the rate selected by the
bankruptcy court exclude transaction costs and profit? That’s a very favorable setting for the
debtor but a very defensive position for the creditor.
Mike off.
Reply by appellant counsel: this decision is not a clear error -- it turns
on a rule of law. What the rule of should be is what American Homepatient said -- if there is an efficient market, that
controls. This is an easy case. The
debtor went out and got multiple alternative offers of exit financing. What Judge Drain said was not “there isn’t an
efficient market”. He said “I don’t care if the market is efficient. I care that it has yielded a rate which reflects
profits and transactions costs, contrary to Till
and Valenti. Read Till
again -- I agree its text controls.
[Emphasis mine]. I urge court to look at 203 N LaSalle and Radlax
in which it has said how you determine value is exposure to a market. That is
how you get to the right answer. Our bankruptcy judges are sophisticated and
can handle the task of determining efficient market. They look at market evidence in valuations
all the time.
Judge: Why were the findings below clearly
Counsel: I don’t say they are. He [Judge Drain] said the market rate does
not matter, that the 6rh Cir had misread Till. But all the other courts in this district,
prior to Judge Drain, have said, where there is efficient market, that rate
controls. His rejection of that is legal error.
Final comment: Well, here, counsel (1) immediately after
hearing the panel say, we generally don’t pick and choose among other circuits’
approaches, starts off by saying, you should pick the Sixth Circuit approach to this issue;
(2) concedes explicitly Till controls;
and (3) fails to pick up on the panel judge’s statement that there are
significant differences between the worlds of chapter 11 and 13 and the text of
their two cramdown statutes. This last point is especially odd because their
brief does in fact make that argument and it ought not to have been left in the
oral argument locker room. On the plus side, he did manage to squeeze in a
sentence about pre-Till endorsement
of market checks in cramdown and obliquely gave the best evidence that
bankruptcy judges can assess market efficiency when he stated that the other bankruptcy
judges in the Second Circuit were holding that they would apply market rates if
there were an efficient market.
But overall, the oral argument strikes me
as a missed opportunity for the secured creditors and on balance favorable for
the debtor. It seems to me a majority of the panel arrived looking for a way to
rule for the creditors (why else ask both of them what rule of law they wanted
the court to promulgate?) and walked away without a lot of assistance in that
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Synopsis of Oral Argument in Jevic
The Supreme Court heard oral argument today in Czyzewski v Jevic Holding Corp, which presents the question of the power of a bankruptcy court to approve a settlement that effects a distribution of proceeds of property of the estate that does not follow the absolute priority rule. $1.7 million of distributions in this case skipped over the priority unsecured claims of the petitioners, and went to the general unsecureds. The Third Circuit held that a court could approve such a settlement given extraordinary circumstance, which followed the lead of the Second Circuit (Iridium), but conflicted with the Fifth Circuit (Aweco), which is why the Court took the matter on.
As an initial matter, there was some confusion about the relationship between the question presented, which covers a settlement that violated the absolute priority rule (a question on which there was a conflict in the circuits), and the emphasis on this case being a "structured dismissal" such that the distribution occurred only at the end (implying that there is no conflict in the circuits about the terms of a structured dismissal, and a dispute over that question might not have been granted cert).
Without resolving that, the argument moved on with a question by Justice Breyer - what forbids a distribution outside of a plan not adhering to absolute priority. Counsel responded that the structure of the Code contemplates either a plan confirmation in which absolute priority is relevant (actually in the case of priority unsecured claims, it isn't it's 1129(a)(9).or a liquidation in which the priorities are also followed.
Justice Ginsburg points out, there is a third path, a dismissal in which everyone goes back to their pre-existing position. Counsel said, that's right, in which case the bankruptcy estate ceases to exist and, in principle, makes no distribution of estate assets at all.
Justice Kennedy chimes in that section 349, governing dismissal, contains a clause that says "unless the court, for case, orders otherwise," which literally appears to allow the court to order something out of the ordinary in a dismissal order. Counsel responds that the authorities which have analyzed that phrase show it was meant only to protect the interests of persons who changed their position irrevocably in reliance on the existence of the bankruptcy., not carte blanche for the bankruptcy court. Justice Kennedy makes some inconclusive remarks alluding to the tension between the broad "for cause" phrase and the "careful scheme" of priorities elsewhere in the Code. The Chief Justice asks where the legislative history is found and counsel points him to the House Report.
Justice Kagan asks counsel to state the holding she would like the Court to reach. Counsel says, the case does not turn on the fact of a "structured dismissal"; the disregard of absolute priority is unlawful at any stage of the case.
Justice Alito pounces: it can never be lawful? Counsel responds, only in section 510 has Congress authorized bankruptcy courts to change priorities. Counsel then goes on, you don't ned to reach the issue of whether "critical vendor" payments are lawful. Those payments were authorized by this Court over a century ago, under the Doctrine of Necessity. The doctrine justifies them because they preserve reorganization prospects. But here, given that it was a structured dismissal, there was no prospect of reorganization,.
The Solicitor General, supporting the petitioners, was up next. the rule you should adopt is that "a bankruptcy court can never resolve a bankruptcy by ordering the distribution of estate assets in a manner that violates the Code's absolute priority system without the consent of the impaired priority claim holder."
Chief Justice Roberts: you don't allow for the "extraordinary circumstances" exception that the Third Circuit endorsed? SG: no, that's too big a loophole, given how many cases are administratively insolvent, and encourages self-serving posturing to make the desired record. Justice Breyer clarifies that the SG is not proposing to ban critical vendor payments.
Justice Alito asks her to address the "for cause" language in section 349(b), and basically she reiterates her "not permitted" position. which is not,what I think Justice Alito was asking for. I think he wanted an analysis of the scope of that clause.
Justice Kagan and counsel clarify whether the desired holding would overrule Iridium in the 2d Circuit, and counsel says, depends on whether you limit your holding to situations in which the case is resolved and dismissed or not.
Justice Kennedy asks what happens in practice in structured dismissals and the SG, who I assume does not know, responds that deals are often reached but it is unlawful to shove an unconfirmable plan through the structured dismissal doorway.
Justice Sotomayor returns to the initial question about the apparent distinction between the broad "all contexts" question presented for certiorari and the emphasis on the "structured dismissal" context.
She affirms that there is a difference between holding that no settlement proceeds can be distributed outside the absolute priority rules, and saying no dismissal can be entered that circumvents that rule.
After counsel responds, Justice Ginsburg responds, are you saying a settlement can never be carried out if it calls for a distribution? the SG responds: a settlement should be limited to just liquidating a claim, unless the proper consents are obtained to a distribution.
Justice Alito asks the SG to explain how 1129(a)(9) and 507 factor in to the analysis. Counsel points out that 1129(a)(9) permits a claim holder to agree to some treatment other than cash. But 507 does not contemplate any deviation.
After the SG summed up, counsel for the debtor -respondent took over. The initial question came from Justice Sotomayor, who observes that the structured dismissal took away a legal right away from the priority unsecured claim holders, the right to sue third parties. Counsel for some reason fails to address her question but continues with his argument. When he gets to the point where he says "this is a rare case", she stops him and disagrees: "every structured settlement of this kind is trying to exclude one set of creditors". Again, counsel fails to respond directly, but begins talking about the fact that the petitioners had received $6 million via the first day order -- "far more" than the $1.7 million that bypassed them under the structured dismissal -- on their pre-petition priority claims for wages and benefits. Justice Breyer dismisses that as irrelevant. He too focuses on the claims against third parties. If the transcript is correct, counsel concedes the structured dismissal did in fact kill off those claims.
Then, counsel asserts that there is nothing in the Bankruptcy Code for bankruptcy judges to approve settlements. The bankruptcy judge only needs to get involved if there is disposition of estate assets under 363(b). But under 363(b), judges have discretion. Justice Breyer asks if they can reverse the order of priority. Counsel says, in general they can't, but as the Second Circuit held in Iridium, there are rare exceptions. This case is one of them.
Justice Kennedy pipes up: this case is not rare at all. It's just a chapter 7 case in waiting.
Discussion occurs of the first day payments among Justice Ginsburg, Chief Justice Roberts and counsel.
Justice Breyer compliments counsel for the "very good point" that in a chapter 7 the secured creditors would have taken everything and petitioners would have been no better off. But then he poses a hypothetical involving buried treasure and asks if the court has power to dispose of it in a wild deviation from the priority scheme. Counsel distinguishes between cases where the disfavored creditor would have received a distribution and those where it would not, if the scheme was followed.
Justice Kagan distinguishes between a Code that requires rigid adherence to its priorities and a Code that allows a bankruptcy judge to enact a "pareto-superior" outcome, one in which no one is worse off, but someone is better off. Then says the only question is which of these Codes did Congress enact? Counsel says, anytime you're in 1129, rigid. Anytime you're in 363(b), there is room for the "pareto-superior"outcome.
Justice Sotomayor says, then bypassing creditors will become the ordinary situation, not the extraordinary. Counsel responds, bypasses are only legitimate if the bypassed creditor is not losing anything by virtue of being bypassed, where they would have had no recovery.
Justice Kagan re-asks, where is this in the Code, and expresses skepticism that 349(b) brings it in.
Counsel re-states his 363(b) argument and says the question is whether there is 363(b) discretion or whether the absolute priority applies all the time (editorial note: it is absolute, after all).
Justice Breyer and counsel have a rather muddled exchange, at the end of which Justice Breyer says "then I'm back with Justice Kagan. I'm pretty worried about that provision. [363(b)].
Helpfully (in my view), Chief Justice Roberts steps in and says "the reasonableness of your position is directly related to how extraordinary the circumstances are. I mean, you're suggesting that the main criteria in approving under 363(b) is pretty much what the priorities are under chapter 11." Counsel agrees. The Chief Justice continues, observing that it matters how "tight" a hold the priority scheme has on 363(b) vs does it merely "inform the discretion" of the bankruptcy judge. In the latter case, these scenarios will cease to be extraordinary. He asks counsel to address that, but counsel resorts to re-stating his argument more or less ab initio. The Chief presses him, so he relies on the statement in Iridium that conformity to absolute priority is the most important criterion.
Justice Kagan returns to the question of whether all that is happening is the "confirmation" of an unconfirmable plan, by calling it something else and reviewing it under a different section of the code. Counsel responds, again somewhat obliquely, by suggesting (in my words) that Petitioners could have been more helpful about ways to make the plan confirmable, as opposed to just insisting on their rights.
Justice Sotomayor follows up by saying there is a difference between a settlement of an individual claim and a settlement that works like a plan. And says the second type would not be an "extraordinary" circumstance. Counsel responds rather broadly that 363(b) discretion varies based on the facts of the case and might vary based on whether you are at the start or end of the case.
Counsel then reviews with Justice Sotomayor that the funds in the case came in as a global settlement from an outside third party that, fearing liability on an avoidance action, insisted that the estate release that cause of action; that, in turn, gave the unsecured creditors leverage to demand some of the settlement, because otherwise they would have logically been able to pursue the avoidance action under a plan.
Counsel restates his argument at a high level of generality. Justice Breyer comes back and asks, even if we agree that a judge can authorize a debtor to "sell" a lawsuit, where do we find the authority to vary from absolute priority in distributing the proceeds? Counsel sums up by saying: 363(b) discretion is, as Iridium says, restricted, but not obliterated, by absolute priority, and at least here, where no one is harmed by the deviation from absolute priority, it is within the court's discretion to authorize such a deviation.
Counsel for petitioners was given two minutes to reply, but the justices did not interrupt her and the argument ended.
The questions are all over the lot. I could envision the Court saying cert was improvidently granted if it takes too long to reach a consensus. Justice Alito and Sotomayor both raised this question. I think that is unlikely. I think some of the Justices are trying to analyze the question presented and not limit themselves to the "structured dismissal" context. There seem to me to be at least two justices, Breyer and Kagan, who don't see the statutory authority for respondents' position, even though they both seem to think it generated a "pareto-superior" outcome in this particular case. Justice Sotomayor seems quite distrustful of the respondents' position. Justice Kennedy's lone substantive question suggest he shares her skepticism. The Chief seems open-minded but seems to me unlikely to fall on his sword if a consensus scan be forged in favor of a different result. I suspect Justice Ginsburg is in the same place. Justice Alito seems the most inclined to support the debtors' position. Justice Thomas did not speak and I have no idea how he would view this, since the legislative history behind 349(b) would not seem likely to interest him. The Code is silent on the specific question and I don't know how he, as a literalist, would tend to rule when that is the case. My bottom line is I expect the petitioners to win, although my confidence in that conclusion is low.
As an initial matter, there was some confusion about the relationship between the question presented, which covers a settlement that violated the absolute priority rule (a question on which there was a conflict in the circuits), and the emphasis on this case being a "structured dismissal" such that the distribution occurred only at the end (implying that there is no conflict in the circuits about the terms of a structured dismissal, and a dispute over that question might not have been granted cert).
Without resolving that, the argument moved on with a question by Justice Breyer - what forbids a distribution outside of a plan not adhering to absolute priority. Counsel responded that the structure of the Code contemplates either a plan confirmation in which absolute priority is relevant (actually in the case of priority unsecured claims, it isn't it's 1129(a)(9).or a liquidation in which the priorities are also followed.
Justice Ginsburg points out, there is a third path, a dismissal in which everyone goes back to their pre-existing position. Counsel said, that's right, in which case the bankruptcy estate ceases to exist and, in principle, makes no distribution of estate assets at all.
Justice Kennedy chimes in that section 349, governing dismissal, contains a clause that says "unless the court, for case, orders otherwise," which literally appears to allow the court to order something out of the ordinary in a dismissal order. Counsel responds that the authorities which have analyzed that phrase show it was meant only to protect the interests of persons who changed their position irrevocably in reliance on the existence of the bankruptcy., not carte blanche for the bankruptcy court. Justice Kennedy makes some inconclusive remarks alluding to the tension between the broad "for cause" phrase and the "careful scheme" of priorities elsewhere in the Code. The Chief Justice asks where the legislative history is found and counsel points him to the House Report.
Justice Kagan asks counsel to state the holding she would like the Court to reach. Counsel says, the case does not turn on the fact of a "structured dismissal"; the disregard of absolute priority is unlawful at any stage of the case.
Justice Alito pounces: it can never be lawful? Counsel responds, only in section 510 has Congress authorized bankruptcy courts to change priorities. Counsel then goes on, you don't ned to reach the issue of whether "critical vendor" payments are lawful. Those payments were authorized by this Court over a century ago, under the Doctrine of Necessity. The doctrine justifies them because they preserve reorganization prospects. But here, given that it was a structured dismissal, there was no prospect of reorganization,.
The Solicitor General, supporting the petitioners, was up next. the rule you should adopt is that "a bankruptcy court can never resolve a bankruptcy by ordering the distribution of estate assets in a manner that violates the Code's absolute priority system without the consent of the impaired priority claim holder."
Chief Justice Roberts: you don't allow for the "extraordinary circumstances" exception that the Third Circuit endorsed? SG: no, that's too big a loophole, given how many cases are administratively insolvent, and encourages self-serving posturing to make the desired record. Justice Breyer clarifies that the SG is not proposing to ban critical vendor payments.
Justice Alito asks her to address the "for cause" language in section 349(b), and basically she reiterates her "not permitted" position. which is not,what I think Justice Alito was asking for. I think he wanted an analysis of the scope of that clause.
Justice Kagan and counsel clarify whether the desired holding would overrule Iridium in the 2d Circuit, and counsel says, depends on whether you limit your holding to situations in which the case is resolved and dismissed or not.
Justice Kennedy asks what happens in practice in structured dismissals and the SG, who I assume does not know, responds that deals are often reached but it is unlawful to shove an unconfirmable plan through the structured dismissal doorway.
Justice Sotomayor returns to the initial question about the apparent distinction between the broad "all contexts" question presented for certiorari and the emphasis on the "structured dismissal" context.
She affirms that there is a difference between holding that no settlement proceeds can be distributed outside the absolute priority rules, and saying no dismissal can be entered that circumvents that rule.
After counsel responds, Justice Ginsburg responds, are you saying a settlement can never be carried out if it calls for a distribution? the SG responds: a settlement should be limited to just liquidating a claim, unless the proper consents are obtained to a distribution.
Justice Alito asks the SG to explain how 1129(a)(9) and 507 factor in to the analysis. Counsel points out that 1129(a)(9) permits a claim holder to agree to some treatment other than cash. But 507 does not contemplate any deviation.
After the SG summed up, counsel for the debtor -respondent took over. The initial question came from Justice Sotomayor, who observes that the structured dismissal took away a legal right away from the priority unsecured claim holders, the right to sue third parties. Counsel for some reason fails to address her question but continues with his argument. When he gets to the point where he says "this is a rare case", she stops him and disagrees: "every structured settlement of this kind is trying to exclude one set of creditors". Again, counsel fails to respond directly, but begins talking about the fact that the petitioners had received $6 million via the first day order -- "far more" than the $1.7 million that bypassed them under the structured dismissal -- on their pre-petition priority claims for wages and benefits. Justice Breyer dismisses that as irrelevant. He too focuses on the claims against third parties. If the transcript is correct, counsel concedes the structured dismissal did in fact kill off those claims.
Then, counsel asserts that there is nothing in the Bankruptcy Code for bankruptcy judges to approve settlements. The bankruptcy judge only needs to get involved if there is disposition of estate assets under 363(b). But under 363(b), judges have discretion. Justice Breyer asks if they can reverse the order of priority. Counsel says, in general they can't, but as the Second Circuit held in Iridium, there are rare exceptions. This case is one of them.
Justice Kennedy pipes up: this case is not rare at all. It's just a chapter 7 case in waiting.
Discussion occurs of the first day payments among Justice Ginsburg, Chief Justice Roberts and counsel.
Justice Breyer compliments counsel for the "very good point" that in a chapter 7 the secured creditors would have taken everything and petitioners would have been no better off. But then he poses a hypothetical involving buried treasure and asks if the court has power to dispose of it in a wild deviation from the priority scheme. Counsel distinguishes between cases where the disfavored creditor would have received a distribution and those where it would not, if the scheme was followed.
Justice Kagan distinguishes between a Code that requires rigid adherence to its priorities and a Code that allows a bankruptcy judge to enact a "pareto-superior" outcome, one in which no one is worse off, but someone is better off. Then says the only question is which of these Codes did Congress enact? Counsel says, anytime you're in 1129, rigid. Anytime you're in 363(b), there is room for the "pareto-superior"outcome.
Justice Sotomayor says, then bypassing creditors will become the ordinary situation, not the extraordinary. Counsel responds, bypasses are only legitimate if the bypassed creditor is not losing anything by virtue of being bypassed, where they would have had no recovery.
Justice Kagan re-asks, where is this in the Code, and expresses skepticism that 349(b) brings it in.
Counsel re-states his 363(b) argument and says the question is whether there is 363(b) discretion or whether the absolute priority applies all the time (editorial note: it is absolute, after all).
Justice Breyer and counsel have a rather muddled exchange, at the end of which Justice Breyer says "then I'm back with Justice Kagan. I'm pretty worried about that provision. [363(b)].
Helpfully (in my view), Chief Justice Roberts steps in and says "the reasonableness of your position is directly related to how extraordinary the circumstances are. I mean, you're suggesting that the main criteria in approving under 363(b) is pretty much what the priorities are under chapter 11." Counsel agrees. The Chief Justice continues, observing that it matters how "tight" a hold the priority scheme has on 363(b) vs does it merely "inform the discretion" of the bankruptcy judge. In the latter case, these scenarios will cease to be extraordinary. He asks counsel to address that, but counsel resorts to re-stating his argument more or less ab initio. The Chief presses him, so he relies on the statement in Iridium that conformity to absolute priority is the most important criterion.
Justice Kagan returns to the question of whether all that is happening is the "confirmation" of an unconfirmable plan, by calling it something else and reviewing it under a different section of the code. Counsel responds, again somewhat obliquely, by suggesting (in my words) that Petitioners could have been more helpful about ways to make the plan confirmable, as opposed to just insisting on their rights.
Justice Sotomayor follows up by saying there is a difference between a settlement of an individual claim and a settlement that works like a plan. And says the second type would not be an "extraordinary" circumstance. Counsel responds rather broadly that 363(b) discretion varies based on the facts of the case and might vary based on whether you are at the start or end of the case.
Counsel then reviews with Justice Sotomayor that the funds in the case came in as a global settlement from an outside third party that, fearing liability on an avoidance action, insisted that the estate release that cause of action; that, in turn, gave the unsecured creditors leverage to demand some of the settlement, because otherwise they would have logically been able to pursue the avoidance action under a plan.
Counsel restates his argument at a high level of generality. Justice Breyer comes back and asks, even if we agree that a judge can authorize a debtor to "sell" a lawsuit, where do we find the authority to vary from absolute priority in distributing the proceeds? Counsel sums up by saying: 363(b) discretion is, as Iridium says, restricted, but not obliterated, by absolute priority, and at least here, where no one is harmed by the deviation from absolute priority, it is within the court's discretion to authorize such a deviation.
Counsel for petitioners was given two minutes to reply, but the justices did not interrupt her and the argument ended.
The questions are all over the lot. I could envision the Court saying cert was improvidently granted if it takes too long to reach a consensus. Justice Alito and Sotomayor both raised this question. I think that is unlikely. I think some of the Justices are trying to analyze the question presented and not limit themselves to the "structured dismissal" context. There seem to me to be at least two justices, Breyer and Kagan, who don't see the statutory authority for respondents' position, even though they both seem to think it generated a "pareto-superior" outcome in this particular case. Justice Sotomayor seems quite distrustful of the respondents' position. Justice Kennedy's lone substantive question suggest he shares her skepticism. The Chief seems open-minded but seems to me unlikely to fall on his sword if a consensus scan be forged in favor of a different result. I suspect Justice Ginsburg is in the same place. Justice Alito seems the most inclined to support the debtors' position. Justice Thomas did not speak and I have no idea how he would view this, since the legislative history behind 349(b) would not seem likely to interest him. The Code is silent on the specific question and I don't know how he, as a literalist, would tend to rule when that is the case. My bottom line is I expect the petitioners to win, although my confidence in that conclusion is low.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Zacks Investments Having Trouble Making Up its Mind About Aramark
I went into Fidelity's website to research the stock of Aramark, the food services provider. Under the "News and Events" tab, these were the four most recent items:
Zacks Investment Research, Inc. downgrades ARAMARK from HOLD to SELL.
Investars Analyst Actions - private –
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Zacks Investment Research, Inc. upgrades ARAMARK from SELL to HOLD.
Investars Analyst Actions - private –
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Zacks Investment Research, Inc. downgrades ARAMARK from HOLD to SELL.
Investars Analyst Actions - private –
Zacks Investment Research, Inc. upgrades ARAMARK from SELL to HOLD.
Investars Analyst Actions - private –
I understand algorithms are driving most of these sites' output, but this is one algorithm that needs some re-writing. This would be absurd "analysis" for pretty much any equity in the US markets, but Aramark is a low-vol stock to begin with (beta 0.66) and, during the time Zacks was playing tug of war with itself, the stock only moved within a band of less than 5%. Embarrassing.
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